Sunday 12 June 2016

Jelly Roll update

Good morning Jelly-rollers

It has been a busy week all round, but some progress has been made.

The business plan is now in full swing, We are presently putting together the financial and marketing plan so we can continue to write the plan. Next up is a risk analysis.

We are certainly going to have to crowd fund the project and are planning on funding the first two years of operations to allow us the time to set up and build our name locally and then across Germany.

If we take the time to plan now we will be more successful later.

We have also identified 254 tracks of interest to send to a lawyer for clearance and identified 25 new sets of raw data to add to the database.

Work is coming on well.

We need to find a sympathetic:
  • graphic designer to do vector pictures of our logo
  • German lawyer - to help incorporate The Jelly Roll Factory here in Germany
  • German speackers who would like to translate our bad German into something a bit less creative ;) 
If you are or know someone who might be interested in helping please drop us a line. (subject Jelly Help)

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