Tuesday 28 June 2016

jelly roll update

Good evening Jelly Rollers :)

We have not been too visible here for a few days, but we have been busy and the business plan is progressing well.

At present we are working on:
  • Competitive analysis of recording studios
  • Financial forecasting
  • Decisions around limiting the time of the project
  • Updating the database and all that entails
  • 1500 Jelly roll stickers ordered and printed in 2 weeks
  • Defining the recording process from a technical/IT and analogue perspective
 The process of writing this plan really is helping to create owership of the project and allowa ua to move forward pragmatically.

As soon as we have some more info on our progess I'll post it out to you. Thanks for your support :)

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Facebook page - Like us :)

Our Facebook page is now online. So please come show your support and like us :)


Thanks Joe Holloway for sorting this out. It is a bit basic at present, but soon we will be up to full steam.

If you are in the sweepstake for the Euros we'll be posting updates on there.

Phil :)

Monday 13 June 2016

Mission Statement - First draft

Mission Statement

The preservation of PUBLIC DOMAIN music from the 1920s and 1930s, specifically blues and jazz. The propogation of this music into a new generation of musicians and the dissemination of music history and the lives that made it.

We wish to combine this love and passion for music with our innate desire to help other musicians in our local area by supporting them through our recording studio. 

The success of our friends, networks and community is key to the promotion of music, of local artists, of tolerance and friendship and the building of bridges not walls.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Jelly Roll update

Good morning Jelly-rollers

It has been a busy week all round, but some progress has been made.

The business plan is now in full swing, We are presently putting together the financial and marketing plan so we can continue to write the plan. Next up is a risk analysis.

We are certainly going to have to crowd fund the project and are planning on funding the first two years of operations to allow us the time to set up and build our name locally and then across Germany.

If we take the time to plan now we will be more successful later.

We have also identified 254 tracks of interest to send to a lawyer for clearance and identified 25 new sets of raw data to add to the database.

Work is coming on well.

We need to find a sympathetic:
  • graphic designer to do vector pictures of our logo
  • German lawyer - to help incorporate The Jelly Roll Factory here in Germany
  • German speackers who would like to translate our bad German into something a bit less creative ;) 
If you are or know someone who might be interested in helping please drop us a line.
phildalton101@hotmail.com (subject Jelly Help)

Sunday 5 June 2016

Database sneak preview

So here, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the first public preview of our database.This has been made possible thanks solely to the hard work and passion of Nick Isserstedt.

14000 shellac tracks and 1200 artist spanning most of the 1920s and 1930s and coverng most of the race recording from the major records labels.

So it is MS Access based. Here is the search page:

Search for artist, composer or song title

 Here are the results on a search for the phrase Jelly Roll:

 Once we find tracks we could use we make them as "of interest" and they ppear on a seperate page. Then we have compiled another list called "viable recordings" which automatically adds tracks of artist who have been dead for more than 70 years. See below:

This then gives us tracks we can check with IP lawyers

This is going to be offline use only at present. When we can raise enough capital we want to put the modules online.

For more information please feel free to contact us at The Jelly Roll Factory

New Sticker idea

Another simple design to create interest :)

Friday 3 June 2016

Local Hamburg Band the Wayward Howls at Pocca Hamburgerberg last night

Just want to give a shout out for the Wayward Howls (they describe themselves as: alternative psycheldelic soul rock´n´roll Hamburg) who played a killer set to a crowd of about 80 people at Pocca in Hamburgerberg last night. They were meant to kick the evening off but where moved to headline because of their popularity. I had a fantastic evening and they seem to as well.

Check out the Wayward Howls demos online here:


Their next gig informatin will be posted here so you can catch them too :))

You can keep up to date with them on their faebook page:


Thanks again guys for a great evenings entertainment